Thank you all very much for registering for the 9th Annual Amalia Lopez Memorial Golf Tournament. We look forward to seeing you in September.
Host Hotel Information and Direct Golf Course Payment Site to follow.
We have various options for payment so feel free to select the option that is best for you.
1. Pay the Golf Course Directly: Site will be provided in August
2. Venmo: @Rosemary-Madron
3. PayPal:
4. Check: Issue to Amalia Lopez Memorial Golf Tournament c/o Josie Comstock 1887 E Oasis Drive Tempe, AZ 85323
Deposit Fee of $60.00 is due by September 8, 2023
Participation in an event focused on helping students further their education
Green fees at a premier 18-hole golf course
Unlimited range balls for practice prior to tournament start
Prize bags for every golfer
Prize Hole Contest Entry
3 Mulligans
5 Raffle Tickets
Cancellation notice must be sent to by Friday, September 8th in order to receive a full refund.
Golfers who pay in full prior to the event will receive 5 additional raffle tickets to increase their chances of winning prizes raffled at the luncheon.
If you have any questions at all please feel free to call, text or email me.